Icons & text

  • Build Brain Power

    This material is great for anyone infant through 1st grade. It is especially helpful for use with pre-verbal or non-verbal students as it provides a method of communication that does not require verbalization. This prevents much of the frustration these students feel at not having their needs understood. It also build brain power in every student by maximizing the parts of the brain that "light up" during each activity.

  • Circular Teaching Strategy

    Discover the wonders of a circular teaching strategy. Your students will learn so much faster and retain more over time.

  • Affordable

    You can easily spend thousands of dollars learning to sign and then still have to figure out how to apply that to your classroom. OR you can take this course which teaches you and gives you everything you need to immediately put it into use in your classroom.

Course curriculum

Pricing options

This one low price both teaches you to sign and gives you everything you need to use it in your class, including lesson plans.

Don't wait!

Jump on this opportunity to acquire a new skill, transfer that knowledge to your students, learn a new teaching strategy and improve your life and the lives of your students all in one shot.

Get started now